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President's Message

When I moved back to India 24 years ago as a newbie Pediatric cardiologist, I was low on confidence but high on motivation to use my Yale training to help children with heart disease in our country. At the time, the PCSI family welcomed me with warmth and love and helped me grow and continue to learn as well as to network with peers. Over time, I became a more confident Pediatric Cardiologist and resolved to give back to the trainees in some fashion.  Thirteen years ago, when I started the e-classes it was a rather radical idea but today, in the post covid world, it is the new norm. The Pediatric Cardiac Society of India supported my concept of tele-teaching. I have received so much love and support from PCSI over the years that when I was asked to take on the mantle of President, I accepted. Over the next two years I hope to continue the legacy of this society in terms of training and teaching and disseminating knowledge that can help children with heart disease, while adding in some new elements that we can do together.  If you have any suggestions, advice, things you would like the society to do-pl do not hesitate to reach out!

Warmest wishes

Dr. Sunita Maheshwari

President, PCSI 2024-2025

Dr Sunita Maheshwari

Dr Sachin Talwar

Dr Sachin Talwar

Dr Kothandam Sivakumar

Dr Kothandam Sivakumar

Dr Saurabh K Gupta

Dr Saurabh K Gupta


Past President's Message

Dear PCSI  family,

It is our pleasure to introduce a new website for pediatric cardiac society of India.

As we enter a new era of advocacy for the child and his right to cardiac health and also fair treatment as he grows up, the role our organization must play requires the support of many groups, and for this the website will be a great referring point.

Programs, contents and pictures of past pcsi annual meetings,seminars and workshops will be an important part. For this,I solicit the contribution of content in the form of pictures, or other,from all of us,to make the website a real treasure.

The website is also planned to have content, both written and video ,of important contributions and achievements are regularly being made by the members,which can be submitted to the website editorial committee( to be announced).

I encourage all pcsi members to come forth and use and contribute to the website to make it the best of its kind.

Best wishes,
Rajesh Sharma.

Dr Rajesh Sharma


Our Mission is to facilitate  the provision of equitable high quality healthcare to children with heart disease in India through world-class excellence in education, academic activities, research, and advocacy.


The PCSI was among the first few societies of paediatric cardiology established in 1999. The Vision of the society is to be one of the ten best academic societies for Paediatric Cardiology in the world.


Our values guide our mission to provide equitable, top-tier paediatric cardiac care in India. We believe in Excellence, Equity, Collaboration, Innovation, Education, Advocacy, and Integrity. These principles shape our dedication to children’s health, fuel our drive for innovation and education, and reinforce our commitment to ethical, transparent actions in all our endeavors.


Know more about the aims and objectives for which the society was established.